Migraine Specialist San Antonio
Now Treating Patients in San Antonio, TX through the Remote Version of our Advanced Treatment
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Migraine Specialist in San Antonio
Our Practice vs. Neurology
To start, the practice of Texas Migraine Clinic is not a part of general neurology. Most patients treated here have already been to one or a few neurologists in their time struggling against migraines, headaches, or other forms of nerve pain. You probably have been or are being given multiple types of pain management drugs/preventatives for those who have experienced this. Some good things come from this. That may be that they truly can numb a significant amount of pain or may even prevent the brunt of the incoming pain. The state-of-the-art drugs and preventatives manufactured today are genuinely astounding in their effectiveness.
On the flip side, though they function the way they were designed to, they do have some substantial downsides. First off, many experience adverse side effects to these treatments. And second, they are amazingly expensive when it comes to repeated and ongoing use. The reason for this s is that there is no actual endpoint to them. They are "for life," given that they are just modulating pain and symptoms.
The point is that for many aspects of modern neurology, the primary frontier is drug research on pain management (how drugs can effectively control pain). And this may be the most significant setback to treating migraines, headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, and other related chronic pain issues. Generally, the focus is not to fix the underlying problems, but rather, to develop drug options and different pain management approaches.
The human body is designed to tell you if something is wrong by giving you signs. If you touch a burner on the stove, your body will tell you so, and not in a friendly way. Your body tells you that something is being damaged or is damaged, and for that reason, you may feel pain or other symptoms. It is very unlikely that your body is wrong in telling you that there is a problem. If you are feeling pain, your body is telling you that there is an underlying physical issue somewhere. It would seem logical and wise that silencing what your body's trying to say to you (that something is wrong) might not be a great idea.
Migraines are a multi-practice issue. That is one of the reasons that, until recently, there has not been much progress in understanding the exact underlying problem that needs to be fixed for migraines. The practice of Texas Migraine Clinic is a synergy between Physical Therapy, Neurology, and Rheumatology. (multi-practice). And Texas Migraine Clinic is one of the leading innovators in the field of Migraines.
Approximately 17 years ago, a Physical Therapist, Dr. Jeffery S. Turner, discovered a way to treat migraines and headaches non-invasively. Once these epiphanies appeared, he put them to the test with practical application in a headache/migraine clinic. His findings were coupled with extensive research through his clinical doctorate at Boston University. Dr. Turner's neurological research and direct personal observation of thousands of "real" headache and migraine patients revealed the truth about what works (and what does not). Currently, this treatment system is now perfected and is starting to gain traction in the field of migraine and headaches. Thanks to web technology, it has been developed to the point that it is a worldwide available treatment. Currently, it is the frontier of both fast and also lasting migraine and headache relief. It consistently yields what we have found to be superior results.
Dr. Turner worked alongside different practitioners during the early stages of his treatment system's development until forming his private practice called Texas Migraine Clinic. There are two main differences between most current methods and the approach used here at Texas Migraine Clinic developed by Dr. Jeffery Turner. First off, the treatment focuses on assisting your body to heal damaged tissues that he has found to be underlying nearly all headaches and migraines. And secondly, because he focuses on reversing these damaged tissues with a natural approach, the resulting symptoms ultimately disappear, and often stay that way. Furthermore, this outcome generally happens with only a handful of visits. He says that his ultimate outcome is never needing his services again, due to healing and consistent absence of pain and symptoms. We highly recommend seeking out this approach. It may save you years, if not a lifetime of pain.
Migraine Specialist San Antonio
Headache Specialist Near Me
How much do you know about the relationship between headaches and migraines? Some are adamant about the two being separate conditions, and others say it is the same. The truth is that both of the answers can be said to be correct. As far as treatment goes, both victims of headaches and migraines are treated the same. Being diagnosed with headaches or migraines is the same as saying, "you have pain in your head and other symptoms." For those who have been diagnosed with either of these, they will understand this. Even without a neurologist to tell you, you probably already figured that one out. The truth is that the majority of the medical community does not know what exactly migraines and headaches are or where they originate. They generally only know how to medicate them.
What we have found to be true is that there are more things alike between Headaches and Migraines than different between the two. For instance, both have been recorded, the majority of the time, to have the same areas of tissue damage. They also have remarkably similar symptom patterns. An example of a symptom pattern would be your headache or migraine worsening as the day goes on or having constant tightness in your neck, upper shoulders, and shoulder blades. These are two of the most common patterns in the patients we successfully treat.
We would probably be administering drugs and other preventatives if Dr. Jeffery Turner did not realize the underlying issue with headaches and Migraines. But because he found the root of the problem and a way to fix it, administering drugs and preventatives is no longer an option. Imagine you had a cup under the faucet with the water turned on, and the higher the water rose in the cup, the worse your headache or migraine would get. That would be pretty bad, right? So, to stop the cup from overflowing, you dump the cup of water every time it fills up so you can manage the issue. But wouldn't it be a better idea just to turn off the water? This is the difference between the way we approach treating headaches and migraines and other methods. While most other practitioners focus on managing headaches and migraines as they come, the treatment system here is designed to shut off the root issue that causes headaches and migraines.
Headaches and migraines may have different or similar symptoms, and the pain both can bring should never be looked down on. When the issue is chronic, both can be debilitating. Although there may be seemingly different issues, both generally always have the same underlying problem of damaged tissue. That damaged tissue needs to be addressed so your body can finally regenerate and rid the issue.
Interestingly, Dr. Ron Calvanio, professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, contacted Dr. Turner about Turner's identification of nerve connections between the neck and head/face areas. He asked Dr. Turner to consider collaborative research with him to present to the doctors at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Calvanio also gave a clear explanation of the best ways to set up a quality medical study for publication using Dr. Turner's evaluation and treatment system for migraines. Dr. Calvanio told him that these findings would be a "game-changer" in the realm of migraines and their respective treatments. Being a pioneer has stretched Dr. Turner pretty thin. Still, when resources permit (especially time), he remains interested in pursuing this avenue of research.
Chronic Migraine and Migraine Headache – The battle against time
For decades, chronic migraines remain one of the most debilitating health issues on the planet. It is not necessarily that those who do have them cannot function. Even if they are able to, their efficiency tends to be drastically decreased. A lack of productivity is also evident for those who have migraines that are not chronic. We will be focusing on how migraines affect people's lifestyles.
For those of you who are experiencing chronic migraines, or maybe seldom unpredictable and sporadic ones, you already know how much you have missed out in life because of them. After years of data collection, we have compiled a quite hefty list of different ways migraines negatively affect your life. We will be. However, looking at 3 of the most problematic repercussions of migraines.
First off, is sleep deprivation. For as much time as those who have migraines spend lying down, sleep is a valuable resource that is often unable to be attained. Even though the exhaustion should be enough to knock the average person out, the lack of comfort can force you to stay awake. Even if you do get sleep, the quality of it will probably be bad to mediocre at best. Brain fog, one of productivity's worst enemies, is born from this. Usually, a chronic lack of sleep that accompanies migraines is a culprit for inefficient work and negligence when you are in a position of responsibility.
Not only is brain fog a significant issue, but a lack of sleep also alters your mood drastically. It is common for parents we have treated to say that they often feel fed up and irritated for seemingly no reason. Not only do the victims of migraines and headaches suffer the consequences of this, but also those that they are around.
The second on the list is the inconvenience of it all. Being able to do little things like driving for long distances, or even spending quality time with friends and family is hampered. Not only this but because the attacks are unpredictable, planning virtually anything is difficult. For those who like physical activities, migraines have never been a friend and hold them back from progress.
The third and last issue we will be mentioning is the constant tireless journey of running from the various triggers. For the majority of those who have migraines, this has already become the norm, and you may not think about it as much anymore. If anything, trigger avoidance is probably what steals the most from your everyday life. Being able to freely do an activity without thinking about the consequences is impossible. The sheer number of triggers that exist is genuinely astounding. Triggers are one of the invisible cages of migraines, keeping you from being spontaneous, stealing your freedom.
One of the focuses Texas Migraine Clinic has had from the very start is getting people's life back on track. Accomplishing this is not to be done through life coaching, but by removing the source roots of migraines and headaches. Dealing with the pain of migraines is only one part of the equation. Keeping them gone is the second part. As far as the previous patients we have had are concerned, dealing with the pain and keeping it gone go hand in hand. The treatment system we currently practice has been relatively consistent for the vast majority of our patients at solving migraines' root issue. The treatment system results in lasting results, such as a permanent reduction of the migraine frequency.
In some cases, patients may never have migraines again. The only reason this is possible is because of the unique focus of this migraine treatment. The Human body is designed in a way that regenerates itself. However, some injuries require some assistance to heal. An example of this would be a broken bone needing to be set and placed in a cast to heal correctly. Migraines have their root issue of damaged tissue and assisting the body in regenerating that damaged tissue is necessary for the treatment process of migraines.
- Highly Effective
- 92% Average Lasting Headache and Migraine Relief in Successful Patients Who Adhere to Our System of Treatment*
- Treatment is Not Currently Available Anywhere Else in This Highly Specialized & Optimized Form
*Required for all applicants to take.
*Please take the entire survey, or we cannot review your application.
*No upfront charges until you are approved, and consent to treatment.
Treatment for Patients in San Antonio, TX
We treat migraine and headache patients in San Antonio, TX. Texas Migraine Clinic is currently the only practice that this highly unique and optimized treatment system is available.
This unique migraine & headache treatment consistently produces 92% lasting migraine and headache relief for successful patients adherent to our system of Treatment (as compared to 20% - 40% lasting migraine relief as reported by our patients for the latest migraine injections).
Using modern webcam technology, we are able to treat patients in San Antonio "remotely" instead of in-person at our clinic's physical location. We have found that our patient outcomes through online sessions between patient and migraine specialist are just as effective as our in-clinic treatment.
*If you are in San Antonio looking for a proven and highly effective, proprietary treatment for even the most severe & unique cases of headaches and migraines, take the Admission Survey above to see what we can do for you!