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Dr. Turnere Here,


Let's talk about your specific headache or migraine symptoms.


Fill out the form below, and let's talk at a no-pressure call. I want you to make the best decision for YOU, and I imagine by this point you may be tired of things just not working - which is why many of my patients before finding me had already seen 3 or more different headache doctors / practitioners / specialists / neurologists without getting the lasting relief they were looking for. You may relate to this scenario.


However, my Advanced Treatment is very different than others. It's natural, and usually always has better results than both injections and surgery combined - or even stacked injections & medications taken at the same time (very common among applicants). However, it is important to note that those who've undergone surgery often have an altered neural anatomy - especially in the cervical region, and my Advanced Treatment is often less effective for them. So keep that in mind before you talk to me if you've had surgery for your headaches / migraines before.


The reason I'm currently offering this is (1) because my Advanced Treatment works for nearly all headache & migraine cases I see (with some exceptions, which we can discuss on the call), and (2) I constantly deal with a very skeptic audience who, collectively, have tried nearly everything without success or getting the relief they were actually looking for.


Let's talk. There's nothing to lose, and I want lasting relief for you as well if you're a good fit for the Advanced Treatment.



-Dr. Jeff Turner, DPT


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