Frequently Asked Questions
FAQS: Headaches and Migraines
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FAQS: What We Do / Who It's For / Getting Started
What We Do
What We Do

At Texas Migraine Clinic, we fix headaches, migraines, and related symptoms at the source (where they start from) so patients achieve lasting relief for intense, difficult, and severe headache, migraine, and related conditions and symptom issues. Our treatment then allows patients to stop avoiding triggers, and finally find freedom in life in the majority of cases.
Instead of temporarily preventing or numbing the headaches & migraines like many of the other non-lasting treatment options (such as medications, injections, physical therapy, chiropractic etc.), our specialty is in actually fixing the true cause & source of the headaches & migraines (from where they start), so that they can stop and stay gone. This means that what we do is very different from other treatments. The Advanced Treatment frequently results in years of lasting relief & freedom from headaches, migraines, and related symptoms. The reason this is now possible is because when the true cause is fixed, there’s nothing to trigger or cause the headaches, migraines, and associated symptoms in the 1st place.*
Patients before us have usually already been to & seen multiple neurologists, doctors, and/or other practitioners & specialists, but were never told that they had very specific disc and/or joint issues obstructing the nerves along the master headache & migraine nerve pathway (where all the headache & migraine nerves converge & run through together in the upper neck). This explains why no matter how hard they tried, patients couldn't be freed of their headaches & migraines for lasting relief after going through so many other treatments.
Nearly all patients we see have issues along the master nerve pathway in the upper neck, where all the nerves converge. As mentioned, these issues are frequently overlooked by most all specialists we've seen- commonly causing even 30-year headache, migraine, and related symptom issues in patients who are often on stacked & multiple medications & injections taken at the same time.
When these issues are finally fixed & corrected, patients’ headaches & migraines can stop altogether- often resulting in a complete absence of symptoms: even for those who’ve had headaches and/or migraines for in many cases decades.*
We’ve learned over the last 18 years that lasting relief is a direct science, and its progress can be tracked in a predictable and calculable manner.*
We also know that lasting relief has nothing to do with that new diet plan in that book, that supplement regimen, or that new injection – because the pain will always find a way back if that diet is broken, the supplement dose is skipped, or the injection wears off. This leaves you feeling trapped in a life of constantly avoiding headache and migraine triggers.
Furthermore, we’ve found lasting relief has nothing to do with vague questions we hear from most neurologists and doctors. We don’t ask those kind of vague questions because we have to know the exact and quantifiable data of our patients so we can develop custom treatment algorithms according to their exact conditions and real-time symptom response.
So there’s a very real dilemma here: headache and migraine sufferers need to waste their valuable time and financial resources over and over again on those same injections, medications, and other therapies and treatments because they cannot attain permanent relief.*
And that’s sadly what much of the internet teaches currently – that temporary relief is the best case scenario.
For 18 years, we’ve been perfecting the science of lasting relief using a highly detailed algorithmic treatment.
The result?
More than 4,200 patients have already stopped medications, injections, dietary interventions, and other treatments – most of them for years.*
For many years, there wasn’t a real answer to the true cause of headaches & migraines. Patients would stay on temporary relief treatments (often multiple stacked treatments & interventions taken at the same time)- such as various combinations of medications & injections.
However, we believe that the true cause behind headaches & migraines has already been found. In fact, research for more than 11 years has been pointing to nerves in the neck as the leading cause of headaches & migraines, but practitioners & specialists are still pursuing temporary relief mechanisms which results in only short-term relief, but can’t work at the deepest level to actually fix what’s causing the headaches & migraines in the 1st place: for lasting & complete relief.*
In fact, according to the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, it takes an average of 17 years for doctors to start using the newest treatments implied by published research evidence. This means that any important shift in treatment can take a lot of time in the medical field.
The Actual Cause of Headaches & Migraines: A Major Yet Overlooked Issue
The nerves which generate headaches, migraines, and associated symptoms (the trigeminal nerve system, occipital nerve system, vagus nerve system, etc.) all converge in the neck & brainstem. These nerves branch upwards and downwards in all directions, sometimes generating far-away symptoms in the arm, wrist, or hand such as numbness, tingling, or pain as well as shoulder tension in many patients.
We’ve identified a critical point along the master nerve pathway where all the headache and migraine nerves must converge together and run through. This master pathway of nerves is in the upper neck near the brainstem. Here, along this central convergence of all these headache & migraine nerves, nearly every patient we've seen once had disc and/or joint obstructions along this central nerve pathway: blocking, pinching, and/or obstructing these nerves. This generates headache & migraine pain (and often many related symptoms) down the nerves towards the nerve endings where various headache & migraine symptoms can occur (depending on which nerves & nerve systems are affected).
Headaches & migraines, and associated symptoms will then occur as long as one, some, or even all of these nerves along this master nerve pathway cannot run freely. As long as these nerves are being constricted, pinched, or obstructed by structures in the upper neck, the headaches & migraines tend to not ever go away until the actual issues causing them in the upper neck are fixed & cleared.
In fact, nearly each patient we’ve seen in 18 years had issues there that went overlooked (commonly) for 20 years or more by such practitioners as neurologists, doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and many other types of specialists.
However, these issues causing headaches & migraines in the upper neck are very frequently overlooked by neurologists & doctors because the true issue behind headaches & migraines lies below the brainstem – at the convergence point of all the headache & migraine nerves in the upper neck.
Correcting these issues must be done in a very specific order to make them stay gone. It's not something physical therapists & chiropractors are taught, but is something the Advanced Treatment was developed from the ground up to correct in the best way possible: to solve the most intensive, severe, difficult, and long-term headache & migraine cases.
These issues, when fixed, consistently results in even very intense, lifelong headache & migraine issues simply going away - in many cases years.*
The Only True Way to Lasting Relief: Fixing the Cause
After seeing countless therapies & treatments used by patients over 18 years, we’ve found that fixing the cause of headaches & migraines is the only way to make them stay gone. The reason it's the only real way to true, lasting relief is: because as long as there is something causing the headaches & migraines, they will always come back: over and over again. Of course, the headache & migraine symptoms can be temporarily numbed by other treatments, but why numb symptoms if there is actually away to fix them - so there is no more pain or symptoms to even relieve?
Fixing the Cause Is Now Possible: For Even the Most Difficult, Intensive, and Severe Cases*
By fixing the cause of headaches & migraines through our custom system, the result is that more than 4,200 patients have finally found the lasting relief they've been looking for - many for their whole lives. These patients have been able to stop their medications, injections, dietary interventions, and other treatments & therapies – most of them for years.*
We've spent thousands of hours fixing the true cause behind headaches & migraines, and have refined our treatment to the highest level possible. By fixing the cause (instead of numbing it, medicating it, or giving patients just another temporary relief treatment), we've found that decades -long issues can “disappear”once this cause is fixed.
Because it works to fix the cause, it tends to work for nearly all headache & migraine types & combinations of types- no matter what level of severity. Once the root issue(s) causing them are fixed, they can go away (and stay gone) in most cases.
So not only is there a true cause behind headaches & migraines, but by fixing this cause, it’s possible - in most all cases - (no matter how intensive, severe, or difficult a particular headache, migraine, or related symptom case is) for patients to attain lasting relief for even long-standing headache & migraine issues.*
*Non-surgical correction of these issues occurs naturally with Advanced Treatment.
Why the Advanced Treatment is Different
Most treatments & therapies today (in fact, nearly all of them) involve temporary, short-term relief until the next treatment, therapy, or dose, or they involve inconsistent relief avoiding triggers. However, avoiding triggers doesn't fix anything, because if it did, there wouldn't be anything to avoid in the first place. Once the cause of headaches, migraines, and related symptom issues is fixed, there's no need to avoid triggers anymore because the issue has been fixed. This treatment is particularly beneficial to those with the most advanced cases where multiple medications, multiple injections, and avoiding triggers simply stops working.
- The Solution to an Endless Cycle of Treatments:
This is completely & fundamentally different. That's because once the real cause behind a patient's headaches & migraines is fixed, there's no need for them to stay on any more treatments, therapies, or continue with other non-lasting therapies/treatments. This is because there's no headache, migraine, or related symptom pain anymore to even relieve in the 1st place. It's constant relief for most cases.
- The Solution to an Endless Cycle of Triggers & Symptoms:
Furthermore, when there's no longer any cause to headaches & migraines (because the cause has been fixed), there's no need to avoid triggers anymore, because when the cause is fixed, the triggers can't "trigger" the headaches & migraines anymore. This allows patients to finally find freedom from needing to avoid triggers all the time. However, note to get to this point, it often takes some weeks into our Treatment System.
This means that our patients often save both time & finances long-term, since they don't need to keep staying on temporary relief treatments forever anymore: once the true cause of their headaches, migraines, and related symptom issues are identified & fixed.
The Advanced Treatment
In our direct experience over many thousands of patients, the results of the custom Advanced Treatment we use are unequaled by any other therapy or treatment we’ve ever seen even for the most severe and difficult conditions.*
The treatment we use is made to fix headaches & migraines at the source (where they start from), so that the nerves that generate & emit headache and/or migraine pain stop their pain signaling. To do this, it’s necessary to actually fix the root cause of the headaches & migraines, which we’ve identified to be disc and/or joint obstructions along the volatile regions of the upper neck, which are keeping patients in headache & migraine pain. Note that in longstanding cases (such as 20-year+ cases), these issues often are overlooked by neurologists and other doctors, so the cause never is fixed- only temporarily relieved by various interventions.*
To un-obstruct these nerves along the major headache & migraine nerve pathway (where all these nerves come together in the upper neck, we use a highly customized treatment system we’ve built and refined over thousands of patients. To some, the treatment seems to resemble physical therapy or chiropractic at some level- but the treatment system we use is, in fact, a totally different system at an entirely different level specifically & purposely made to fix the true cause of headaches, migraines, and related symptoms. It is a highly complex & optimized process that the specialist adjusts throughout the treatment process according to particular symptom patterns, and must be done in a particular way to get the very best results.* However, we make it very easy & simple for patients, and tell them exactly what to do to get rid of their headache, migraine, and commonly associated symptom issues.
Treatment is natural, and does not include or involve surgery, chemicals, or other invasive mechanisms.
In addition, the treatment isn't a temporary-relief treatment because it's designed to actually fix headaches & migraines (instead of just numbing the pain), so they can stay gone through fixing the cause. It does take longer than other alternative/temporary relief treatments such as medications and injections because it is required to fix what’s causing the headaches & migraines to keep them gone.
Sessions & What They Look Like
Sessions take place online through the Zoom™ app by webcam sessions between the client and specialist. The results & outcomes for our Zoom™ sessions have provided nearly identical relief and case outcomes as the thousands of in-clinic cases we've seen in Texas.* This is due to the advanced symptom tracking methods we use & have refined in such great detail. The specialist analyzes the nerve systems of each person we see in our System through very detailed movements, and then identifies & pinpoints the exact areas which are causing the nerve pains expressing themselves as headaches & migraines. After 1000's of migraine and headache cases, we can usually find these areas quickly. The specialist then tells clients in our System exactly what to do to correct these issues (as mentioned, usually always in the cervical spine region in the neck), so the headaches & migraines can stop.
A specialist gives those in our System exact movements especially geared to the issues which are causing their particular headache and/or migraine symptom problems. It takes about 6 sessions (1 assessment and then 5 follow-ups) to attain near-optimal relief for most very severe conditions involving multiple condition types or symptom complications.*
Online Sessions: No Need to Be in Texas
Sessions take place online through Zoom™ sessions between the client and specialist. The results & outcomes for our Zoom™ sessions provide nearly identical relief to the in-clinic cases we've seen. This is due to the advanced symptom tracking methods we use & have refined in great detail over many years. The specialist analyzes the nerve systems of each remote case through very detailed movements, and then identifies & pinpoints the areas which are causing the nerve pains expressing themselves as headaches & migraines. After 1000's of remote cases, we can usually find these areas quickly. The specialist then tells sufferers exactly what to do to correct these issues (as mentioned, usually always in the cervical region in the neck), so the headaches & migraines can stop.
The treatment isn't a temporary-relief, pain blocking / numbing treatment because it's designed to actually fix headaches & migraines (instead of just minimizing the pain). This is so that headaches and migraines can stay gone through fixing the cause. It does take longer than other alternative/temporary relief treatments such as medications and injections because it's required to fix what’s causing the headaches & migraines- to keep them gone.
A specialist gives those we see exact movements especially geared to the particular issues which are causing their particular headache and/or migraine issues. It takes about 6 sessions (1 assessment and then 5 follow-ups) to attain near-optimal relief for most very severe conditions involving multiple symptom complications.
Condition Types
Works for Nearly All Headache & Migraine Types & Combination-Types
The treatment works for most all headache & migraine types & combination of types because treatment is focused on fixing the cause of headaches, migraines, and associated symptom issues instead of mitigating symptoms. Furthermore, we make as sure as possible each applicant is a good fit before Advanced Treatment.
Best Fit Possible
We Screen Patients To Make Sure It’s the Best Possible Fit for Them
We believe in telling each patient whether it’s a good fit for them before admitting them to the treatment. However, it's rare someone isn't a good fit. After treating thousands of patients of nearly all headache & migraine types, we usually know exactly what issues we’re looking at.
Time & Finance
Made for Saving Patients Time & Finances
What would you pay if you knew (before treatment ever started) that you were a good fit or not, and that after treatment, there was a good chance that you could stop spending money on other treatments & therapies?*
Because the treatment is intently focused on fixing the true, root cause behind headaches & migraines (to keep them gone for lasting relief), the common result is that patients stop paying for all other treatments & therapies after they see us. This is because once of the cause of their headaches & migraines is fixed, they can often stop both other treatments and our treatment as well, once treatment is finished. This frequently saves them years of finances as well as years searching for an answer we believe already exists. Because patients can stop paying for all those other therapies, treatments, and other interventions after seeing us, we believe what we do ends up saving our patients time & finances in the long-run.
Exclusive to Texas Migraine Clinic
Our Treatment in Our Highly Optimized Form is Not Available Anywhere Else
We’ve worked thousands of hours through intensive research and case experience refining our custom treatment to fix headaches & migraines better than any other treatment or mechanism currently available. We’ve also designed our treatment to offer better results than anything else we’ve seen over thousands of patients. This means that our treatment system and protocols are not taught anywhere else or available online: because this treatment has simply taken us so much time & effort to refine. Though we make treatment easy to go through for patients, our treatment system is so complex (depending on each particular patient and condition-set) that it’s simply not possible to make instructional videos that get patients the same results as seeing us as patients.
Who It's For
Who It's For
The Advanced Treatment is made for patients with very severe, difficult, and intensive headache and migraine cases. Often, patients we see have already been through many invasive headache & migraine treatments & therapies for more than 20 years- without finding the lasting relief they were looking for. Treatments patients often try without success before us include: medications, injections, physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, and many other therapies & treatments in addition.
Our Perfect Patient
This Treatment is specifically made for:
- Patients who have difficult, severe, intensive, or highly resilient / resistant headache & migraine cases that aren't responding well (or at all) to conventional treatments such as medications, injections, physical therapy, or chiropractic
- Patients who are tired of the endless cycles of temporary relief and pain
- Patients who've had long-term or lifelong struggles with headaches & migraines (often 20 years or more; many cases 30 years)
- Patients who've seen multiple specialists including neurologists, doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, and other practitioners without finding the relief they were looking for (Our average patient has seen 5.)
- Patients who are tired of avoiding headache & migraine triggers all the time (Common result after treatment is not having to avoid triggers.)
- Patients who are tired of the side effects & only short-term, temporary relief from multiple medications & injections (oftentimes medications & injections having to be taken congruently at the same time long-term)
- Patients who want to fix their headache and migraine issues for good (instead of constantly spending time & finances on many various different therapies & treatments which are only getting them short-term, incomplete relief)
- Patients who want a powerful and natural alternative to surgery
- Patients who want lasting relief and freedom from headaches & migraines
It's Made for the Most Resilient & Difficult Cases.
Because what we do is made to fix the actual cause behind headaches & migraines, it tends to succeed where medications, injections, and other treatments couldn't. This frequently results in us solving cases where patients had headaches, migraines, or related symptoms for more than 30 years before seeing us. It's very common that patients have already seen multiple specialists including neurologists, doctors, and other practitioners before us without finding the relief they were looking for.
Not Just for Texas Patients
People don't need to be in Texas to be a part of our System and methodology.
We’ve spent many thousands of hours over 6 years doing remote sessions for those in other states than Texas, as well as countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and others. Simply put, the System we use as applied remotely over the Zoom™ app is extremely robust. The remote sessions over the Zoom™ app have provided indistinguishable outcomes to the in-clinic patient cases we’ve seen: because of the advanced symptom tracking methods we use and have refined in such great detail.*
At online sessions, we ask those we see detailed questions to understand important data often overlooked by other specialists. We then establish a customized, highly personalized protocol with our system for each remote case we see: as we work to get them lasting relief.
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*We'll then contact you about treatment options, and answer any questions you may have before treatment.
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