Migraine and Headache Specialists Dallas TX
Now Treating Patients in Dallas, TX through the Remote Version of our Advanced Treatment
4,200+ of our previous patients from Texas and around the world no longer need to avoid triggers, take medications & injections, or continue with other non-lasting therapies and treatments (such as acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, supplements, and other interventions).*
*No upfront charges until you are approved, and consent to treatment.
*Please take the entire survey, or we cannot review your application.
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The Texas Migraine Clinic Advanced Treatment, which Can Now Be Applied to Patients in Dallas, TX through Our Remote Treatment Option:
Migraine and Headache Specialists Dallas TX
Dallas, Texas, is one of the many places we treat patients. We are not based out of Dallas. However, it is possible to be treated from your home. The well-developed and unique remote treatment system in use at Texas Migraine clinic makes it possible for you to see a Migraine and headache specialist from wherever you are. As far as treatment goes, there is much to know, because we have an effective unique and original way of approaching migraines and headaches.
What we do, no other clinic currently does. Our practice is not a part of neurology, chiropractic, or any other common form of treatment. It does, however, include aspects of each. We found something more effective at keeping the issue gone. Currently, the only treatments that are available to you can be categorized into two things: Pain Management and Preventatives.
Pain management, as you may already know, is what it implies. The focus is numbing or temporarily getting rid of the pain migraines, and headaches bring. Some examples of pain management may be either Sumatriptan or chiropractic visits. Preventatives for migraines and headaches focus on reducing their frequency and intensity. Some examples of this would be Anti-CGRP, or if taking more of a natural approach, magnesium. Our practice focuses on neither of these points. Where their goal is to "cover-up" the issue, ours has been to end the problem altogether.
The idea of truly ending the problem may seem far out there for many. However, there is the truth behind it, and not to mention results to back it up. Before moving on, it would be helpful for you to know about how this treatment system came about. It started in 2003 with Dr. Jeffery Turner, who researched heavily into headaches and migraines. He was a spine specialist dedicated to fixing complex and seemingly impossible pain issues in the body. Formally, Dr. Turner is a physical therapist. However, proper knowledge of neurology and many other practices enabled him to go further than the limited field of that one practice.
By using what he knew and found to be accurate, Dr. Turner came across what he believed to be the source of both migraines and headaches. It was discovered that not only did headaches and migraines come from the same underlying issue, but there was a way to fix it. And that includes fixing the problem even if it was a chronic issue. Soon after, he began to do clinical trials to develop his unique practice by building off of his findings, prior knowledge, and experience. Over the course of nearing two decades, Dr. Turner worked alongside many colleagues as well as thousands of patients to refine his practice. His endeavors led him to found Texas Migraine Clinic. Texas migraine clinic currently boasts one of the highest patient relief rates in the world.
There was one main reason the root issue was not discovered earlier and currently remains a partial mystery. The reason happens to be that every researcher at the time has been looking in the wrong direction. And this includes the majority of today's researchers as well. Migraine and headache researchers, as you probably are aware, are dedicated to discovering new ways to block the symptoms or prevent them from occurring. Consequently, many useful and highly effective treatments for migraines and headaches have been developed over the years. However, most of them are medications or injections and have a more significant drawback than just side effects.
Most researchers are dedicated to discovering ways to patch up the problem and not to fix it. That means there is a large setback to the treatments constantly under development. And it is that they do not fix the root issue. Let's say you have an unrelated problem like a badly broken bone that needs to be set in a cast to heal correctly. You go to the doctor, and they give you a pain killer after telling you that you have a broken bone. After that, they do nothing about it. Did they fix your broken bone? You might not feel most of the pain because of the painkiller, but you would know that they never actually fixed anything.
This is where broken bones and migraines/headaches are similar: Both sources of pain are born from an actual injury or tissue damage. Not only that, but they both have to be appropriately addressed to have the issue resolved. If you set a bone and place it in a cast, it can heal properly. Afterward, you no longer have a broken bone.
Migraines are similar, and when treated correctly, your body can recover from the issue. The entire focus of the treatment system developed by Dr. Turner was to resolve the issue of headaches and migraines completely. While not all of His patients do graduate the program completely free of their issue of migraine and headaches, the overwhelming majority end up seeing very significant improvements. It is not uncommon for patients to have their issue entirely resolved, and no longer in need of treatment for headaches and migraines.
The online treatment system in use at Texas Migraine Clinic has been yielding identical results to in-clinic treatment for some years now. Because of the non-invasive nature of this treatment system, patients can be walked through and taught how to fix their own unique issues. The goal is to assist the body in healing the damaged tissue. Through careful personalized guidance from a specialist, patients can painlessly and easily transition into a life where they rarely get attacks, or their issue disappears altogether. Of course, you need to keep in mind that there are exceptions to this system, and it may not be effective for everyone.
There are many types of patterns that migraines and headaches follow. For example, one of those patterns may be overload patterns. These are evident in both Chronic and Non-Chronic Migraines and headaches. For instance, generally, all of the patients treated here report having migraines or headaches that start getting worse around 2:00 in the afternoon on the days that they do not wake up with a headache.
Migraine and Headache Specialist Dallas TX
The Second Focus of Texas Migraine Clinic
Alongside the focus of fixing the root issue of headaches and migraines, the other focus has been getting patients' lives back. Approaching this is not to be through the approach of life coaching, however. By fixing the root issue, there is more freedom than just the liberation from pain. The other freedom is the ability to function normally. Unless you have a significant problem with migraines and headaches, most will not understand precisely how much this issue takes away from daily life. And even if you do know that it does, you may not know the full extent of it.
The way headaches and migraines affect your life is something to consider. The pain alone may not even be the most debilitating part of migraines. One of the most significant setbacks is how it damages productivity. It does this in a number of ways. Brain fog is one of the main culprits. And it is generally hard to escape because most medications used to treat migraines and headaches may amplify this issue. Brain fog is a general decline in mental functionality. Decision making is generally slow, and thoughts may not seem to flow well.
One of the ways migraines and headaches may cause this is through sleep deprivation. It seems odd to say sleep deprivation is an issue if much time is spent resting because of the problem, but it is a legitimate issue. Migraines and headaches may compromise sleep quality. This means that even if you are getting seemingly good amounts of sleep, the quality may not be that great. A lack of quality sleep can end up leading to more issues with mood and emotions. Migraines are a multi-faceted issue without just affecting only one side of your life.
For those in a role of responsibility such as being a parent, having an essential role in work, or as a student, migraines are particularly damaging. Not only do they tend to diminish the much-needed focus, but they also tear away the time and energy necessary for each task. Lethargy may also become an issue, and for the majority of those with headaches and migraines, it already is. Keeping in mind the inability to function well socially, the amount of relationship damage this has caused is nowhere near small. We have heard many of these stories, and it is one of our many pleasures to know that our patients may no longer have to carry that burden.
Taking things a step further than the psychological burden of migraines and headaches is the rat race. The "rat race" is what we term the constant bustle of trying to deal with and keep the issue under control. Most of our patients have had their headaches and migraines for over 27 years and have tried countless methods to cover up the issue. It is not difficult to see how tired and jaded they are when talking about their problem. Fortunately for the overwhelming majority, we have been able to end this "rat race" so that they can experience the now without the constant threat of a migraine or headache attack.
- Highly Effective
- 92% Average Lasting Headache and Migraine Relief in Successful Patients Who Adhere to Our System of Treatment*
- Treatment is Not Currently Available Anywhere Else in This Highly Specialized & Optimized Form
*Required for all applicants to take.
*Please take the entire survey, or we cannot review your application.
*No upfront charges until you are approved, and consent to treatment.
Treatment for Patients in Dallas, TX
We treat migraine and headache patients in Dallas, TX. The treatment system in use is highly unique, and currently only available in this highly specialized and optimized form at Texas Migraine Clinic.
This unique migraine & headache treatment consistently produces 92% lasting migraine and headache relief for successful patients adherent to our system of Treatment (as compared to 20% - 40% lasting migraine relief as reported by our patients for the latest migraine injections).
Using modern webcam technology, we are able to treat patients in Dallas "remotely" instead of in-person at our clinic's physical location. We have found that our patient outcomes through online sessions between patient and migraine specialist are just as effective as our in-clinic treatment option.
If you are in Dallas looking for a proven and highly effective, proprietary treatment for even the most severe & unique cases of headaches and migraines, take the Admission Survey above to see what we can do for you!