Making Nerves Impervious to Migraines & Headaches


Dr. Turner (Bio Here):


When I see patients throughout the week, there’s a reason I don’t focus (almost at all) on “pain management”.


Instead, there’s something else that’s much more important that takes up nearly 100% of my personal focus with patients.


But first, let me give you the “water glass” analogy.


This will help explain what we focus on.


I often use this analogy with my patients & applicants.


So imagine a full glass of water:



The very top of the glass is the pain threshold (where if the water goes over the top of the glass, you start to experience pain & symptoms).


Let’s say you put in an ice cube (a trigger) or ice cubes (multiple triggers) into the glass.


The water will then (if there are enough ice cube triggers) overflow outside of the glass cup: resulting in pain & symptoms.


Now the reason I’ve found over the years that pain management doesn’t work effectively for patients is because more ice cubes will always find their way into that glass:


and sometimes seemingly for no reason at all (as it seems to many).


The triggered nerves then overflow into pain & symptoms if the water overflows outside the glass.


This leaves patients trying to constantly keep ice cubes from showing up in the glass.


In many cases, this is a decades-long struggle.


For instance, many patients before seeing me have developed long lists of triggers they avoid because the other treatments just aren’t working well enough.


The problem is, avoiding triggers, in my experience, only sometimes works for the more intensive cases, and when it does, the migraines & headaches tend to show up in the future again (and again).


Instead, what we need to do is decrease the water level as far down from the top of the glass as possible, so that when the ice cubes (the headache/migraine triggers) are put inside the glass, the water level can’t reach the top of the glass or overflow outside of the glass into the pain & symptoms.


So hopefully that makes some sense.


Now, what this all means is something very important.


It took me years to fully realize it in my own practice, and here it is:


That your mission isn’t after minimizing migraines & headaches:


You’re after making it so they can’t be triggered in the 1st place.


In other words, your goal is to decrease the water level so far down the glass that the migraines & headaches (or neuralgia / radiculopathy) don’t even start in the 1st place.


The reason is, after seeing us, patients in nearly all cases become immune to triggers–


because the migraines & headaches don’t even “trigger” or start for them.


And for those who have constant migraines or headaches (where the water level is constantly at the top of the glass, ready to overflow into pain & symptoms at almost any point), we’ve found it works the same way. (Note: That's due to keeping the often-overlooked internal nerve triggers from occurring, which is another discussion.)


To accomplish this for patients, we have a very specific series of steps we go through to custom-tailor the NerveCode™ System we use to each patient based on often multiple issues.


We’ve found that all issues must be addressed to take their “water levels” down.


That’s because if there’s an issue left, it could result in migraines or headaches. It's also why we have to be very thorough with this (on a per-patient basis).


That way, we can help those with migraines or headaches (and, often, neuralgia and radiculopathy cases) reach the relief they’ve been looking for. 


In my experience, the symptoms & pains can then finally stay gone in nearly all cases without the “overflow” into symptoms/pain signals:


because we find where these issues are, and know exactly what to do to fix these issues at the sessions to push the water level down as far as possible.


We then show our patients how to keep the migraine-headaches gone after their symptom issues stop being generated.


So there's the “water glass” analogy.


Dr. Turner

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